Saturday, January 5, 2013

Spicy. And fashion shows

Jace is loving any time he can get away from those meddlesome parental eyes.  Suzy was giving him a bath this morning, went to go get a towel (took maybe 10 seconds), came back in to see him pulling a "this is gross" face saying "Spicy" as he held the girls new "Hello Kitty" shampoo.  You'd think he'd realize that all of these shenanigans end result is to his detriment, but he must find some kind of perverse joy in the act since he continues. 

Also, last night was Faith's Birthday date with her parents.  We took her to Cheesecake factory and then to Pojos (a local arcade). She had a tough decision, Red Robin or Cheesecake factory. The fact that Cheesecake factory delivers a candle on their Ice Cream Sunday decided it.  As we were driving home, she busted out with "That was Awesome! that was more fun than flies in a fashion show".  We think that's a new phrase that will catch on like wildfire and probably replace the cat's meow and the bee's knees. 


middledavis said...

I agree. That phrase is way better than those other two. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's awesome! I'm so using that - thanks, Faith :)