Friday, March 23, 2012

I'll always remember that

Kate had a super fun play-date with her friend River after school yesterday. Suzy took them to the park across from the school where they ran around and played for about an hour. After it was over, River was walking away with his Grandparents and Suzy heard Kate sigh, and with a dreamy look in her eye state, "I'll always remember that."
She asked for clarification, and Kate informed her that she and 2 others girls (we'll call them Madison and Joanna since I can't remember if those are their exact names) were sitting at a table with River in class that day. Joanna asked River if he could marry one of the three girls at the table when he grew up, which one would he choose. Apparently, River chose Kate.

I think we know by now that at least one of our two girls is going to be a handful when it comes to boys.

She also let Suzy know that there's this really cute boy at Church who she sees when they line up by the Bishop's office. She doesn't know his name, but he has really cute eyelashes, and he can make a sound just like a real cricket.

At least her priorities, as far as boys are concerned, are in the right place.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Mostly Today

Faith is at that age where she likes to experiment with words. Only I don't think she thinks she's experimenting. We went to Pojos for a one-on-one on Saturday. She ended up getting a "glow-up" ball (that's one of those rubber balls with a face and something inside that makes them light up). The term is one coined by Kate a while back. She also got two very small stuffed bears.

When we came home, she said to Kate, "I mostly got these today"

Today in the car with Suzy, she said, "Hey Mommy, I have a riddle for you."
Suzy: "Okay, let's hear it"

Faith, "What grows in Water and is daddy's favorite."

Now, to understand how Faith does riddles, you have to realize that what she asks, and the answer don't always have to be entirely related. or related at all.

After Suzy had guessed multiple things that both grow in water and other things that I like a lot (steak, basketball etc) she finally gave up.

In this case however, the answer somewhat made sense. Watermelon!

Suzy decided to then tell Faith a riddle. What can sense hot or cold and tell you if something is sweet or salty. Faith thought for a moment, before decisively stating
"A Flamingo!"
Suzy laughed and then gave a clue. "Faith, it's part of your body"
Faith, again with all the confidence in the world, "LEGS!"