Monday, September 5, 2016

Japan. Clean and nice.

So, I recently discovered something interesting in Japan at work.  It involves the bathrooms and how they are cleaned.

In the US, they block off the bathroom completely and no one can come in while the bathroom is being cleaned.

In Singapore, they post a sign, but the nice gentleman who cleans works around those in the restroom to clean each item.

In Japan, it's much the same as Singapore with one key difference, instead of a nice gentleman cleaning the bathroom, it's a couple of ladies. Who apparently don't care where they clean and who is doing what while they do it.

The first time I discovered this, I blithely walked in, saw the ladies cleaning, apologized and immediately turned around and walked back out.  I think learned to look for a small yellow sign or use the stalls and not the urinals.  My compatriot Anthony, who's training me as his replacement is from Singapore. He told me that in Singapore they have no problem with someone of the opposite Gender cleaning the restroom while they were using it, but even he had to draw the line when they started wiping down the outside of the urinal WHILE HE WAS USING IT.

Ask Suzy to tell you about the communal baths here sometime.