Monday, January 14, 2013

Age of Aquarious

So, we were reading the story of Abraham and Sarah from the Old Testament Stories,4945,8187-1-4473-5,00.html.  Afterward, Kate was asking what happens if you try to have a child and you're too old. Suzy let her know that at Sarah's age, she was flat out too old to have a kid, but sometimes as you get older there is an increased risk of the child having problems. At that point, Kate asked, "oh, does Brighton have problems then?"

Suzy calmly informed her that she was NOT to old to be having children. And also, that she is not that old, despite having such an old husband (okay, I threw that part in).

1 comment:

middledavis said...

When Bill heard the loud burst of laughter that erupted from my side of the study table, he had to see what caused it. Truly, this is very funny!! I read it to him, and he laughed out loud, too.