Thursday, January 17, 2013

Boys and Barbies

Jace is an enigma. So cute, yet so mischievous.  So loving and kind one moment, hitting and pushing the next (okay, so mostly loving and kind luckily).  The same holds true for his play. He sees his sisters using glitter chapstick, so he uses glitter chapstick (to cover his entire face usually).  A friend of ours was over with her son (he's not yet walking, still in the crawling stage).  They had set him up with the Mr. Potato head toys, when a minute later they looked over and saw Jace trying to apply glitter chapstick to the poor boy.

A while later, Suzy heard a noise upstairs and went up to investigate.  She found Jace playing with a barbie. The barbie was naked and Jace was holding it by it's head banging it against the slide repeatedly.  Yes, our little enigma, or as Churchill put it (of course, he was speaking of Russia):

‘A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside an Enigma’

1 comment:

middledavis said...

He really keeps y'all on your toes, doesn't he?