Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What I want to be

So, Kate is starting basketball. I'm pretty excited as you can imagine. I'm tempering my expectations, and  I just hope she likes it at this point in her life.  The WNBA will have to wait until she's at least 9. Maybe 9 and 1/2.  I was watching some NBA highlights tonight, and called Kate over to watch with me.  After about halfway through, she asked, "Well, do girls play as well?" I said of course, and for the first time in my adult life (okay, entire life) I was proud that we had the WNBA.

Kate let me know that she wanted to be a basketball star when she grows up. She also asked why guys and girls don't play on the same teams, which I explained.

Faith on the other hand has slightly different ambitions.  For the past while she's really wanted to be a cowgirl. I think ever since we went to the mall and there were some rodeo queens signing autographs and letting the kids do fun cowgirl related stuff (like get your face painted and roping a stationary object).
She recently added to this ambition. She now wants to be a cowgirl AND a construction worker.  Suzy asked if she wanted to be the person who helps to design the home or do the building. She wanted to be the builder.  Look out world, here come the Garretts.


Kevin and Laurie said...

I hope my kids say and do as many funny things as yours! Oh, man! At least Faith isn't afraid of getting dirty or hard labor! She will probably build houses wearing chaps and rhinestones!

middledavis said...

I am curious to know what Kate thought of your explanation of why girls and boys play on different teams.

I, too, am glad she's showing an interest in basketball. I love the game so much. Sometimes, even at my age, I play horse or around the world with the missionaries.