Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jace's new slogan

We've decided to start a new family tradition. Everyone gets a slogan! Yeah! Jace's is going to be "Just Throw it".  You have a problem with something? Just throw it! You don't have a problem with something? Just throw it! He's getting very good at throwing, but not yet so good at discerning what should be thrown and what shouldn't. One other side note, he does not like sleeping with any extraneous objects in his room. He's had many stuffed animals, characters, or those talking/music making things (baby Tad from Leapfrog etc) over the years. His universal response is to demand that it be taken out of his room just before bed. 

We'll be working on the rest of the slogans later, but Jace's came pretty easily.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great slogan for him! Are you sure he hasn't seen "Chucky"? Might explain the toys in his room thing... :)