Saturday, January 12, 2013

Dimples and water

So, Jace found a nice full glass of water on the kitchen counter. As he is often seen to do, he pushed a chair up to the counter. Then got the large glass of water.  Then walked over to Kate who was sitting at her table as she was coloring. Then he dumped the full glass of water over her head. And body. And she was wet. Suzy described it to me as if she'd stepped fully clothed into the shower.  Jace of course had no explanations for his actions, but then again, we've come to expect no explanations at times such as these.  Below is a reenactment of the scene (no actual water was used in the taking of this picture).

Faith was admiring her younger sister Brighton in Suzy's arms. Brighton has gotten to be fairly smiley, and she was giving Faith some of her precious smiles. At which point, Faith exclaimed, "Awwwww, she has such cute nipples!"


middledavis said...

Shenanigans. I'm sure they aren't funny when they happen, but when you post them on your blog, they are very, very funny indeed. Thank you SO much!

Anonymous said...

Look up the definition of "handful" in the dictionary (or wikipedia) & Jace's picture is guaranteed to be there!