Saturday, April 27, 2013


Suzy was reading Faith the book she got for Easter (Candy Shop war 2) and she was also playing a game on the iPad (that had sound to it). Suzy asked her, "How can you listen to that and me reading at the same time?"
Faith responded, "Mom (slightly exasperated), I have 2 ears you know."

Kate and Faith are headed to see a musical Beauty and the Beast Performance with Suzy today.  I was helping Faith get a dress down.  She was having trouble deciding, and then all of a sudden had a flash of inspiration, "Dad, I know which one I want, I haven't worn it in DAYS!"

It's probably been more like weeks, to be honest, but you never know with Faith since she changes clothes on average at least 4 times a day. She is also partial to skirts and leggings. By partial I mean she is adamantly against pants. Those new liberal Mormon ladies would not approve (the ones that think women should wear pants to show equality.  I personally think us guys should now start wearing skirts to show our equality).

On that note, we went to Comedy Sports last night. There was a troupe from Portland and they had a battle. I must admit, they were great! Both sides were good, but Portland had two fellows (out of 3 per team) who were especially hilarious.  They ended up winning, I believe the score was 34 to 32 or something like that.

1 comment:

middledavis said...

That Faith is a multi-tasker for sure!