Saturday, April 6, 2013

Singapore part II

I don't know how well you can see what this is all about. This is a mall, inside mall were three areas that were for kids to play in. In the hall in this picture is a pile of kids shoes.  Apparently Singaporeans live in very   small apartments. When I mentioned that a small home in Boise was about 1500 SF, I got amazed looks. Most Singaporeans live in small but expensive condos. The government sponsors about 60% of the housing. I heard and estimate that each room in a government house is about $100,000 (Singaporean, or about $83,000 US). so a 2 bedroom condo with a combined living/kitchen area would be about $250,000 US Dollars. Thus, parents pay for kid play areas (you have to be a member or something).

This was my hotel (the Park Regis)

If you walk in Clarke Quay, it's covered but open air. It rains most days for at least a little bit, so this was very welcome.

 I thought this was a cool restaurant. Lined with ancient looking Chinese warrior statues.
These are some yummy dinner selections (this was outside another restaurant).  I bet you bet that I didn't eat there. You bet correctly. 

Who the heck wants to eat something like this? 

Or This? 
Or this. Hello, throw these weird fish back! Seriously.
Here's the Mall, it was about 5 or 6 stories high. Everything is built up, since Singapore as a whole is about 25x40 miles or so.

I thought this was a really cool looking hotel. It has outdoor garden areas on various levels. 

 Here's another picture of it.

A random picture of a building in Singapore. No significance.


middledavis said...

Enjoyed the pictures and especially the fish and the commentary that accompanied it. The lobsters looked pretty tasty, actually. Or at least they would if they were cooked.

middledavis said...

Hey, that last post made it sound like I liked the fish pictures better than the scenery, which wasn't the case. The scenery and the buildings were very interesting. It was the fish commentary I liked, though.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm so jealous of your trip! I'm glad they had Chili's for you but I would be eating at the wacky fish place & local places the whole time myself. Don't judge a fish's yumminess by it's appearance, I always say. But I guess not everyone likes seafood as much as me (& Mom). Looks like a fun trip anyway :)