Saturday, May 11, 2013


Well, I think we all acknowledge that littering is bad. My parents are serving a mission in Louisiana and just helped with cleaning up a section of the river. Apparently people will just make piles of trash by the river and let the river sweep it away. Out of site, out of mind! Sort like kids (although, those consequences are more immediate, usually involving something in the bathroom being dumped all over the carpet).

Anyway, we went to the Mall the other evening, and got some delicious Ms Fields cookies right before closing (discounted).  That doesn't have anything to do with littering. What does is the fast food type drink that was left on the parking lot ground just next to our car.  The same one that when we got to the car, and I finished putting Brighton's stroller in, we found Jace happily downing.  Needless to say, we freaked out and quickly sterilized Jace's digestive track with Bleach. Okay, we didn't really do that. But we did freak out. I think Jace still wonders to this day what the problem was, since the "juice" tasted just fine to him.

Later that day we reminisced about the time Faith saw something on the ground (she was 2.5-3yrs old) and asked, "Dat poopoo?" Then promptly  picked it up and popped in her mouth, "no, not poopoo" (luckily).  That lead to the time when Faith swore up and down that she ate Kate's CTR ring. After two weeks of Suzy faithfully digging through her poop, we found the ring behind a dresser.
Kids make life fun.

1 comment:

middledavis said...

Oooooooh, I remember that CTR ring incident! Surprise endings are, well, surprising, aren't they?

And although we laughed at Jace's antics with the "juice" it was with an underlying feeling of "YUK!"

Kids keep life interesting, I'll say that much.