Saturday, April 6, 2013

Easter Bunny Kevin

If you recall, Kate firmly believes that the Kevin (her Uncle) is literally the Easter Bunny. This is because the first time she was old enough, Kevin dressed up as the Easter Bunny for a Church activity she attended. She has led her brother and sister into this as well. Which works well, since they don't scream in fear when they see this giant somewhat creepy looking bunny.

Brighton did pretty well.

At first they were all worried since this would be Kevin's last Easter in Boise for a while. He's moving on to Nebraska to continue Dental School. But then Kate was able to comfort all the young ones as they realized that the Easter Bunny visits everyone, so he'll be able to stop by Boise as well.  Faith kept saying "we won't be able to have Easter" and we had to keep reminding her that Easter was not about the Easter bunny but about Jesus. I think she finally accepted it.

1 comment:

middledavis said...

That's the biggest Easter Bunny I've EVER seen.