Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tis the luck O' the Irish!

The girls had quite the eventful day today. They built a leprechaun trap. Now, as everyone knows, those leprechauns are quite shifty folks. You have to get up pretty early in the morning if you want to catch yourself a leprechaun. You can see that the girls have carefully thought this one through. As enticements they have appealed to all the leprechaun temptations. Chocolate, money and even a cute fairy just their size. As the leprechaun removes the money from the cup, BWAMO! the box will fall right down and trap him! Ingenious! I'm sure they'll have one in the morning.

Kate and Suzy went to go see the Music Man this evening. I asked Kate if she was excited. Her response?
"Well, sort of, but I'm REALLY excited for my wish"
Me (sort of puzzled at this point), "What wish?"
Kate (in that exasperated tone of one who thinks you should know what they're talking about), "The wish you get when you catch a leprechaun of course!"
Kate continued on, "I can sleep in it."
Me (confused, again), "Huh?"
Suzy clarifies, "She means the wish, whatever it is, she can sleep in it."
Me, "Oh! Is it a magic castle?"
Kate, "No, just a regular castle that people can sleep in. Like me."

I'm not sure what Faith wants. She said something about a boat that hits the leprechaun in the head. I just decided to leave it at that.

[Click on the picture to make it larger]


Jen said...

did they catch one? Can't wait to find out if Kate gets her castle. So cute.

Anonymous said...

That's so cute! I wonder where they got the idea for that? A movie or story probably?