Sunday, March 20, 2011


As I sit listening to the Kate and Faith playing together, I hear an interesting phenomenon. Faith seems to be the leader for most of the play (she'll tell Kate what to say, Kate will say it etc.) However that's fairly standard, although on occasion Kate has been heard to wonder aloud, "Faith, why do you always tell ME what to say?". Despite this wondering, Kate doesn't seem to protest too much as she continues to follow along.

The interesting phenomenon involves the word "Mer". I'm pretty sure that the English language doesn't have such a word. At least not one that means "I'm about to say something which you will then repeat back to me word for word".

Much of the playing will go like this:

Faith, "Mer, please hand me that dress"
Kate, "Please hand me that dress."
Faith, "Oh here you go. Mer this dress is magic."
Kate, "This dress is magic"

And so on. I'm not sure they realize what's going on, or that there's a new word in the English vernacular that I'm pretty sure wasn't there until last week.

Suzy and I just both tried it out, but it must only work when Faith is saying it. That, or Faith's new word/language is tonal.

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