Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Model This

Suzy was showing me some weird outfits on the 'puter today. That reminded me of a thought I'd had about clothing designers. It always seems to me that they mostly design really weird or ugly looking clothes. I hope I don't offend anyone who really likes "haute couture" (as Fancy Nancy would say, a fancy way of saying fancy).

Anyway, back to my somewhat original point. I was thinking that the only reason someone would purchase such an item (besides pure status symbol) is to say, "Even though this outfit is hideous, I still look okay in it, therefore, I must be absolutely beautiful in regular non-hideous clothes." That, or, "these clothes are so ugly, I'm going to look great in comparison."

I often wonder if the clothing designers get together and over a game of truth or dare come up with their outfits just to see what they can get people to wear.

Here are some Real models modeling truly cute outfits.

1 comment:

middledavis said...

Hey, I'm with ya on that call.