Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Human Fly

We have been besieged with flies of late. It seems they've been proliferating all over Boise. One of our "favorite" activities is to kill the few that find their way into our home.

Faith was sitting by Suzy, twirling Suzy's hair as she often does when she's tired. Well, Suzy jokingly said...hmm....I feel a fly in my hair! Faith just looked askance at her. A minute later, she moved to Suzy's back and Suzy, hoping she'd catch on, said, "Now the fly is on my back!".

Faith promptly jumped up and ran out of the room. She came back holding a book. With which she proceeded to use to hit Suzy on the back, killing the "fly". Suzy burst out laughing as she realized what had just happened.


Unknown said...


middledavis said...

That sweet girl. She takes us at our words, doesn't she?