Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bad Habits

One of my bad habits is to always try to seem like I'm listening even when I'm really not. The evidence of this bad habit is found in my responses. One of my common responses when I didn't hear what Suzy says is "I Love you". I guess I've figured out over the years that that response is relatively safe.

Well, this morning I was upstairs giving the kids a bath as Suzy was headed out the door to a meeting. The kids were of course noisy. I heard her go out the door, then come back in and yell something up the steps. My response? " I love you, bye!".

When Suzy got home, she said, "So, you didn't hear me when I was headed out the door, did you?"
I fessed up at this point. She then let me know that she wasn't coming back in just to say goodbye.
I had been in her purse last night looking for something, and had moved her keys from her purse to the counter in my efforts (something I've done in the past). She got out to the car and realized that she didn't have her keys.

What had she yelled up the stairs? In an exasperated tone, it was apparently, "When you take my keys out of my purse, will you PLEASE put them back!"

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