Sunday, October 31, 2010


I'm fairly laid back about most things, but there are a few areas of my life where I'm pretty uptight. One of these is driving. I like to leave the line as soon as the light turns green. I get pretty annoyed when those ahead of me don't. I like to drive at least 5 over, especially when the speed limit is ridiculous, like 35 on a 5 lane road (2 lanes each way and a middle lane).

The other year, we were stopped at a light. If there's an open lane, I normally take it even if I have to turn the opposite direction soon thereafter. I figure If I can't beat them off the line, they'll be going fast enough that there will be separation between them and the car behind them and I can squeeze on in. I was with Suzy, and I was looking out the driver side window in an attempt to watch the light so I could tell when it would turn Red in anticipation of mine turning green.

I was successful in my endeavorer, but Suzy made a comment about at least being discrete about it when checking out other women. It was then I realized that while I had been staring steadfastly out my window, a car had pulled up with a woman in it. Suzy and I had a good laugh after I explained what had really been going on.


Unknown said...

That's funny. And understandable, Boise has RIDICULOUS speed limits. It kind of drives me crazy when I'm there.

middledavis said...

I agree about the rediculousness of the speed limits here in Boise, but I have resigned myself to it. I've seen too many cars pulled over in the 35 mile an hour zone.

I seriously think they haven't changed the speed limits since the roads were all 2-lane farm roads.

But, I do go the speed limit. I just memorize the faster speed limit routes and take them when I can...