Tuesday, August 3, 2010


We have a house being built next to us. The kids love watching the work out the window. Kate got really excited, and ran and told Suzy "Mom, they have a Cherry Picker!" Suzy explained that it looks like a Cherry picker, but its called a Crane, and its used to put things in high places (in this case, it was being used to attach the roof). I don't know where she learned about a cherry picker.

When I came home, Kate was very excited to tell me all about the construction. A brief excerpt "...Daddy, they put up the roof today using a Pelican!"

Luckily I was in the kitchen and she was in the dining room, thus when I started snorting as I tried to hold in my laughter she didn't hear it.

1 comment:

middledavis said...

I LOVE this story! It has already made its way to my journal.