Monday, August 9, 2010

Michael Jackson and Baptism

Kate and Suzy were watching an old Michael Jackson video. Kate asked Suzy if Michael Jackson was still alive, she replied that he wasn't. Later in the day, Suzy and Kate were talking about baptisms for the dead (see 1 Corinthians 15:29 and here

Later still, Kate asked if Michael Jackson had been baptized. Suzy told her "probably not", at which point Kate excitedly exclaimed, "I Can get baptized for him!"

She's a little thinker, that girl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome - you just kept me entertained for a good hour with your blog. I wish I was there to see all the cute & funny things they do, but since I can't, this is the next best thing. I will be checking it regularly from now on. I like your video editing expertise as well - the comments, music & fades make it that much more entertaining.