Saturday, July 31, 2010

Immediacy of memory

I think I often view the world much as my children do (whatever has recently happened is how it always is and has been). Here's an example: Suzy often makes dinners that the kids love. Mac and cheese, waffles, lots of types of pasta's, corn on the cob, things with Chicken.

The other day I made "chicken stuff", which is basically cream of chicken soup with a few extras over pasta. Kate could not get enough of it, but just kept saying how much she loved it.

The next day in the car, Kate says, "Mommy, I don't know why, but my body just likes things that daddy makes". She was trying to be nice about it, and said, "but don't worry, I like some things you make to, but its just my body likes things daddy makes." (I cook about once every 4-6 months).


Unknown said...

Your girls crack me up. I love reading your blog.

middledavis said...

I love reading your blog, too, Son. Keep up the good work. Funny, funny girls...