Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Faith's Short Story

So Suzy had Kate and Faith look at some pictures in this fun book of pictures that she got to inspire them in writing a story.  Here was Faith's pictured, called "Under the rug"

Once I sat on the Sofa, something under the rug was moving towards me. I was scared, I was panicking, so I ran, I ran as fast as I could. I saw it's shadow, it looked like a Monster. I ran into my room and locked my door. But I was too late.  The chase was on. I ran around my room but I couldn't look, I was too scared, I was only an 8 year old little girl. I only had enough time to unlock the door. I ran downstairs and out the door but I was too late. it jumped on my back, but some reason it felt small, but just then I remembered that I had lost my pet hamster, Flower, two weeks ago. Then it jumped off my back, then it walked in front of me, it was FLOWER! I was so glad to see her again.

1 comment:

middledavis said...

Wow! Great short stories!! Those girls have wonderful imaginations. I love the nice twist at the end of Faith's story and the cliff hanger at the end of Kate's.