Sunday, December 27, 2015

Durian tasting contest

Durian is an adored Singaporian fruit. Adored by some I should say. It did get #1 on this list of top 10 stinkiest. We went outside to cut up the Durian we purchased (we went to the market that day to get some for this momentous Christmas event). The sister Missionaries were over, one of them (Sister Chua) was from Malaysia and was used to Durian (not that she liked it).

 This was another couple, newish to Singapore, who joined us for Christmas dinner as well. Jaysa (the lady) was expecting, and thus had the perfect excuse to not try it. But did anyway. 
Suzy didn't think it was nearly as bad as she thought it would be. 

Suzy got some of the Juice on her leg. We didn't let her back in for the rest of the day.

 Marshall's turn. Sharp cheese and Crackers. 

Fish Pate, but mushy

 Onions.  Brighton, do you want a bite?

Brighton, do you want a piece of Candy?

Kate - Not that bad, but I don't really like it.

Faith, can I have another bite?

1 comment:

middledavis said...

Priceless videos and photos. Priceless. I'm still laughing! And, man oh man, I'm SO glad I didn't try that durian.