Monday, March 23, 2015

Breakfast Art at the Aquarium

We recently went to the aquarium in Sentosa (Island where Universal Studios is).  We ate lunch at the pancake house where you get to make your own pancake creations using squirt bottles of pancake batter.  We have some pretty awesome artists in the family for sure.

Super Suzy and All-Star Kate going to work

Angry man pancake needs to be eaten. 

A Christmas hat, and a special angry bird that didn't turn out quite as expected. 

Butterfly and octopus bug? 

Hersey's kiss and a hand.
Half the fun was in creating them, the other half in eating them. That's chocolate batter, not burned pancakes by the way.

Who can resist having there picture taken in these fun cutout thingamagiggers
Here was my creepy friend Harold*
*names have been changed to protect the innocent

Kate obviously has the right idea here. Don't know why Jace and Brighton aren't freaking out.

They had a ton of these tanks with lots and lots of fish. Lots of cool fish, especially "Dory" from finding Nemo. Jace would get pretty excited everytime he saw a "Dory" fish.

Jace showing off his mad skills "Dad, take my picture".

This was at Universal on the meri-go-round the other week.
Jace knows how to pose for pictures. I did not tell him to do that by the way, apparently kids do pick up stuff by osmosis. 

1 comment:

Gatewaymontessori226 said...

The aquarium looks like a really fun place, Mike. I loved the "Kate has the right idea..." comment. She didn't like the spider crab, I guess. Cute photo. I can't believe how much Brighton has grown. I was a little blown away when we skiped last time. She's growing so incredibly fast. What a beautiful little girl she is.