Thursday, February 10, 2011

Turtle companion

Suzy was telling me about the lesson she's teaching this Sunday.  "Preparing to become an eternal companion".  Kate, who was setting in the room with us, "What? A new turtle companion? what's a turtle companion?"

This reminds me of a song from my youth, "Love one another".  There's one line in it, By this shall man know that  ye are my disciples..."

Well, growing up, I always thought it said "By this shalmando".  I was trying to figure out what I was thinking it could mean, but for the life of me I can't think of what I thought it was.

Suzy thought it said "by this shalmenno".  I'm guessing this song confused whole generations of kids growing up.  "If I could only get a shalmenno I could be a disciple!!!"


middledavis said...

I'd like to have a cute little turtle companion. Sounds like it would be a nice, quiet pet. (If it weren't for the salmonella...)

Jen said...

I girl in a primary class I taught, sang the last line of Book of Mormon stories, "given this land, if I went right to sleep," and she would fold her arms and pretend to fall asleep in them. I thought it was so funny.

I love the turtle companions. So cute.