Saturday, February 27, 2016

Tree Top Walk

 Here we are at Hoyt Park ready to start our Tree top walk
 this was on the ramp up
 They had this cool wavy bridge at one point
 Stopping for some fun photos

 Most of the way was this metal walkway. Here's a good view of some residential housing, and a cute woman.
 The wavy bridge was a lot of fun for the kids
 Look, the Bell of Happiness. Who knew happiness was obtained so easily!
After we rang the bell, our family never experienced non-happiness again.

1 comment:

middledavis said...

Tree top walk looks like a fun excursion. So, when Emily, Cliff and the kids (the kids and I are hoping they will get to go) go for their visit, you guys will be able to show them lots of fun things. I know they're going to have a wonderful experience in Singapore with you guys.