Sunday, February 14, 2016

Surfing Safari - Bali

 We decided to take a once in a lifetime (thus far) opportunity and learn how to surf in Bali.
 First they told us you have to do 1000 push ups on your board just to be worthy to ride the waves.
 After we finished that, they then broke the next bit of news.
 You have to surf on land to our satisfaction before we let you sniff the water.
 Suzy just looked good enough they gave her a pass even though she was just standing there.
 Faith was a natural
 Kate had it going on.
 Papa did not have proper Beach shoes, and was not allowed to surf. He took matters into his own hands.
 There were some spectacular falls.
 A few hard landings.
 Then, one by one
 Folks found their groove.
 Suzy, waiving off the applause as the whole beach was amazed at her prowess
She made it look so easy I decided to stop trying.  I figured, if it was so easy, I probably should stop attempt after attempt since it would make the instructors feel bad.  You'll notice there are not pictures of me up on a surf board.

1 comment:

middledavis said...

This is a really great post, Mike. I love both the pictures and the commentary.