Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Super Bowl Monday, CNY style

 In Singapore, the Super Bowl started on Monday Morning at 7:30 am.  We all gathered at the Torfin's house, with a preponderance of Bronco Fans (and some Peyton Fans who were from Tennessee). There was so much great food and great fun! 

 The Sumsion's got a lion dance troupe to come out since it was CNY eve (Chinese New Year's eve) also! Hence the reason we all had the day off and could watch the Super bowl. 

Here the Lion is sitting on the plate of oranges from the previous video. The guys inside the lion (sorry to break it to you this way, but really there's two guys inside the costume) are peeling the oranges. 

When the Lion got up, this was what was left underneath!

On Saturday we went with Jace to the science center, where they have a live chick exhibit

For Chinese New Year's Eve, we got together and did "Lo Hei"
that means "Prosperity Toss". They have a list of traditional ingredients that you add with various "Auspicious Sayings". Most having to do with Gold. Dwarves are the same way (at least if you read Terry Pratchett they are).  We used our own ingredients, and came up with our own Auspicious Sayings.  

Here was Daren wish for lice free homes
Jace's wish for us to never be mean to someone else.

 Here was the actual tossing of the food

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