Thursday, January 7, 2016

Bali Bike Riding

We went on a Bike Tour in Bali (Bali Hai Tours).  It was quite fun. 22 Kilometers of 95% down hill riding.  We were staying north of Ubud, it took about an hour and 20 minutes to get to the start off point. 

We picked our bikes, Brighton was lucky and got to ride with me! It was cute because she kept yelling WEEEEEE as we went fast. She would also scratch my back periodically.

Getting all geared up some more. 

Here was a cool looking temple we stopped at 

We stopped at this really neat bamboo forest as well.  

Brighton was pretty excited that she found a stick. That is such an awesome stick. Jace got jealous of course.

At this point, some of the rest of the party was riding in the van.  We got to see this really cool water temple.

Here we're taking rest

We rode along this narrow stone wall through the rice paddies.

As you can see, someone had a motorcycle along the same path

Here was the walk to the lunch hut

The lunch was quite tasty
It was such a beautiful setting

We practiced the Balinese custom of eating with our "clean hand"

Your "Clean Hand" is your right hand since you wipe with your left hand. Suzy probably would say I could leave that part out, but that gives you the proper context. Also, for some weird reason its considered rude to touch people with your left hand. 

My little Gansta girl. wearing a nice wash cloth on her head.

Another such picture. Without the gangsta look.

1 comment:

middledavis said...

Seeing the picture of y'all riding on that wall by the rice paddies made me a little glad I was in the van at that point. I can envision myself ending up in the field. But, I'm glad y'all got to experience it and I'm kind of sorry I missed that pretty temple by the water because that was sure beautiful.