Friday, September 12, 2014

Jace's Jokes

Jace has developed into quite the jokester. Here are a few samples:
What does a cow milks a cow? Blast off!
Cow sits on a wall, Time for a skydive!
What does a sun in sunglasses? Cannonball!
What does a cow make an air balloon for? A remote control car cow balloon!

Not every comic writes his own material, but all of these are straight up original Jace.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Angry Selfie Series Singapore

Here I am in Singapore in June 2014.  Its morning time, so its still only 84 degrees instead of 88 (that's pretty much the whole temperature range of Singapore). 
I decided to take a bunch of pictures of street art since Singapore seems to specialize in this.  I give his one a 5 out of 5 for weirdness and a 0 out of five for shininess. 

They have lots of Ministries of various types here.I waited 2 months to blog this to throw them off my tail. There's no way they'll track me down now.

Lots of these overpasses in Singapore. 

Here is a building and a washed out angry selfie version of the building. It was a cool building as you can see, and get's max points for colorness. 

This one get's a 5 out of 5 for weirdness, a 3 out of 5 for colorness. I don't know why that one lady statue is about to lean over an fall on that poor child statue. Maybe she's trying to get away from creepy  Predator dude who is grabbing her stomach. The other two statues are very well behaved and doing their best to ignore the goings on next to them.

Wow, words just don't do justice to this picture. Good thing it's a picture eh?  Seriously though, how would you describe this? a fish like thing with a multijointed leg instead of fins looking like its taking the bait from a 2 legged spider alien? This one gets a 3 out of 5 overall (it would have been a 1 out of 5 but I gave it +2 for having a water feature in front of it to add verisimilitude to the whole fish theme).

Finally, a 5 out of 5 for shininess.  Unfortunately, it didn't incorporate much color, but it does have pleasing to the eye shapes, so overall its a 4 out of 5.   

This one gets full points for being some kind of shiny ball. And zero points for much else. 2 out of 5. 

Finally! lots of colorness! and in a christmas tree shape made of paper dolls. I'm sure there's some kind of significance to this that I'm missing. Maybe they're all having a giant tug of war in a spiral up a cone? 3.7 out of 5 for this guy. 

Why someone would create a sculpture of a poor man in the corner crying because his fantasy football team just got smoked by his rival, I don't know. 0 points for shininess, 0 points for colorness and -1 for not making anyone think happy thoughts. It is outside of a mall, so maybe if you're sad you'll by more? So +2 for fulfilling an evil underhanded purpose. 1 out of 5 overall. 

This building has columns and palm trees half way up. It gets 4.5 out of 5. 
For some reason, this statue just inspired me. I don't know why, maybe it's the whole most guys with their shirts off are so thoughtful. I've titled this one "thinker".  Someone should make this statue famous or something. 5 out of 5!

Well, isn't this a gem.  I give this one full points for nakedness, plus a bonus point for having the glass reflection making this appropriate for blogging.  Unfortunately, a lack of colorness and shininess bring the score down to 2.5 out of 5. 

It started raining, the normal mid morning Singaporean rainstorm.

So it was father's day while I was in Singapore. This is what they handed out. How healthy. It was the crunchy gross kind, which I can't abide so I donated it to some birds who were probably fathers. Or mothers since there's no way I'm getting close enough to figure that out. If you're keeping track, I've been traveling for Valentines day, Mother's day and Father's day! 

Also, it was raining on the way to church. 

This bridge get's full points for colorness.

Angry Selfie Series Hiroshima

Not as much joking around in this one, just to warn folks. 
 This was in May (over mother's day of course).  I took a walk on Sunday to the "Peace Park" which memorializes the Atomic Bomb.
 Here's the peace dome in the back ground. 

This was a cool twisty tower. 

This was a cool bell tower. I didn't ring it, but others did.

Another cool sculpture. They had a bunch of artwork from local schools (I think) in the background)

Pretty rose garden

Pretty rose garden with an angry gringo in the frontground.

Hard to see, but this was the end of an infinity pool with a cool view in the background. 

Here's the view from the other side. I think this was a spot for prayers or something since people would go up there and take turns and spend some time in thought/pondering/meditation/prayer. 

Here's the sign, you can see me in it if you look closely. 

This is a cool free underground museum 

Here's me at the top of the steps going down. You can see the skyline of Hiroshima painted on the walls. 

Here is an original building from when the bomb was dropped. 

Angry Selfie version of the building.

May Pictures - Krissy and Sid's Cabin

There's nothing a kid loves more than getting dirty. And there's nothing they dislike more than being told they are too dirty and now must clean on up. 

Jace and is friend Sam having a blast as Garrett ran around the Cabin with them. I think they only fell out once or twice, but at human powered speeds that's not much of a concern.  

Friday, May 23, 2014

Cinderella's life lessons

I was on a trip to Asia a couple of months ago. The following ensued.
Email from Suzy - "We went upstairs for scriptures, and realizing Jace is giving a talk this Sunday, I decided to talk with him about the Plan.  He talked about Jesus dying, then coming back to life.  I told him that means that we will also come back alive after we die.  Then he got really serious and asked if we were going to die, like the idea had never occurred to him before.  I said yes, but we will come back to life.  he started to cry, and said he was scared to die :(  

Luckily, there was a Cinderella glove right next to me, so I showed the the whole spirit/hand in body/glove thing.  He was slightly reassured, but still very worried.  Then he said he didn't want you to die.  Faith started crying too, and said she didn't want you to die either, she would miss you so bad.  This better not be some kind of omen.  If you were even contemplating dying before you come back (or before you are 90, for that matter), think twice about what it will do to your poor orphaned children and widow."

Cat eating children.

Brighton, after she's eaten the neighbor's cat (who was white).  Actually, It was ice cream, but I thought eating a Cat would be more interesting. She also looks homeless, but that's mostly because she likes to share her food with her hair when she eats. 

Kate and her friend Olivia, who both got all Giggly when around these guys at the local "Race for the cure" (5k race) that they did. Olivia mentioned how smooth their arms were. Probably because they shave their arms, like pansies. 

Jace - someday he'll make a great lawyer

Email from Suzy:
Jace didn't want what I was making for lunch, so he said, "Mom, I give you a deal.  If you let me have cereal...let me have it." 
He drives a hard bargain.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Random Stuff, including a trampoline

Here's Brighton showing off her fork using skills

Here's the result of said fork using skills. She still hasn't quite gotten the whole smooth transition to the mouth part down yet. I'd say she's about 50/50. 

Here's me about to rock these kid's world as I take a super jump and launch them 30ft into the air and off the trampoline. 

I thought this was a cute picture of Jace playing with the Pink Tower. 

So, Suzy keeps dressing Brighton in these skinny jeans. It's practically impossible to get anything under them. Since it was a cool day out, I just put the socks on over them. Suzy thought I needed to take a picture of this creative, trend setting genius Idea of mine. 

Here's this weird statue outside of the movie theater. All the kids wanted pictures with him (Faith had her one on one with Suzy that day as well and got Face Painted (on purpose) at the watershed (where they teach about water)).  We went to the movie with Uncle Marshall who is soon moving to Az. I got to see at least 1/3rd of the newest Muppet movie. The other 2/3rds I spent with Brighton. Outside the theater. Her quietness skills have yet to kick in. 

I think Jace has the right idea.

It starts much too early

This is Faith. On a longboard, wearing the traditional skater garb of a hoodie (and fuzzy pants). 

She loves any kind of wheeled instrument of destruction. She obviously doesn't get this from me since I barely tolerate a bicycle, much less any of these other much more dangerous death traps of teenage angst and rebellion. 

Here she is taking a melancholy? selfie. I think she is already in that moody teenage girl phase. 


This weekend was the "Jurassic Quest" Exhibit at the Expo-Idaho center.  I took Jace here for a our one-on-one, and it was a rocking good time.  Below are some pictures. 

They had a bunch of these cool robot dinosaurs that moved, and scarred poor Jace half to death upon our arrival.  He would not leave my side for this whole section (The first time through). On the way out, after having ridden a dinosaur, he was much more fascinated. especially by the dinosaur that had been attacked and was bleeding (no pictures since I need to keep this blog mostly G-rated). 

 Pic one of Jace's Wild Dinosaur Ride!

This was another robotic Dino

If you look closely, you can see Jace's little head sticking up inside the mouth.
They had this whole bouncy house dino thing going on, Jace spent most of the time in this whole section (they had probably 15 different Bouncy Houses, all dino themed).