Sunday, August 24, 2014

Angry Selfie Series Singapore

Here I am in Singapore in June 2014.  Its morning time, so its still only 84 degrees instead of 88 (that's pretty much the whole temperature range of Singapore). 
I decided to take a bunch of pictures of street art since Singapore seems to specialize in this.  I give his one a 5 out of 5 for weirdness and a 0 out of five for shininess. 

They have lots of Ministries of various types here.I waited 2 months to blog this to throw them off my tail. There's no way they'll track me down now.

Lots of these overpasses in Singapore. 

Here is a building and a washed out angry selfie version of the building. It was a cool building as you can see, and get's max points for colorness. 

This one get's a 5 out of 5 for weirdness, a 3 out of 5 for colorness. I don't know why that one lady statue is about to lean over an fall on that poor child statue. Maybe she's trying to get away from creepy  Predator dude who is grabbing her stomach. The other two statues are very well behaved and doing their best to ignore the goings on next to them.

Wow, words just don't do justice to this picture. Good thing it's a picture eh?  Seriously though, how would you describe this? a fish like thing with a multijointed leg instead of fins looking like its taking the bait from a 2 legged spider alien? This one gets a 3 out of 5 overall (it would have been a 1 out of 5 but I gave it +2 for having a water feature in front of it to add verisimilitude to the whole fish theme).

Finally, a 5 out of 5 for shininess.  Unfortunately, it didn't incorporate much color, but it does have pleasing to the eye shapes, so overall its a 4 out of 5.   

This one gets full points for being some kind of shiny ball. And zero points for much else. 2 out of 5. 

Finally! lots of colorness! and in a christmas tree shape made of paper dolls. I'm sure there's some kind of significance to this that I'm missing. Maybe they're all having a giant tug of war in a spiral up a cone? 3.7 out of 5 for this guy. 

Why someone would create a sculpture of a poor man in the corner crying because his fantasy football team just got smoked by his rival, I don't know. 0 points for shininess, 0 points for colorness and -1 for not making anyone think happy thoughts. It is outside of a mall, so maybe if you're sad you'll by more? So +2 for fulfilling an evil underhanded purpose. 1 out of 5 overall. 

This building has columns and palm trees half way up. It gets 4.5 out of 5. 
For some reason, this statue just inspired me. I don't know why, maybe it's the whole most guys with their shirts off are so thoughtful. I've titled this one "thinker".  Someone should make this statue famous or something. 5 out of 5!

Well, isn't this a gem.  I give this one full points for nakedness, plus a bonus point for having the glass reflection making this appropriate for blogging.  Unfortunately, a lack of colorness and shininess bring the score down to 2.5 out of 5. 

It started raining, the normal mid morning Singaporean rainstorm.

So it was father's day while I was in Singapore. This is what they handed out. How healthy. It was the crunchy gross kind, which I can't abide so I donated it to some birds who were probably fathers. Or mothers since there's no way I'm getting close enough to figure that out. If you're keeping track, I've been traveling for Valentines day, Mother's day and Father's day! 

Also, it was raining on the way to church. 

This bridge get's full points for colorness.

1 comment:

middledavis said...

Loved the photos. Factoring in the comments, I'd give it a 6 out of 5.