Monday, April 28, 2014

Random Stuff, including a trampoline

Here's Brighton showing off her fork using skills

Here's the result of said fork using skills. She still hasn't quite gotten the whole smooth transition to the mouth part down yet. I'd say she's about 50/50. 

Here's me about to rock these kid's world as I take a super jump and launch them 30ft into the air and off the trampoline. 

I thought this was a cute picture of Jace playing with the Pink Tower. 

So, Suzy keeps dressing Brighton in these skinny jeans. It's practically impossible to get anything under them. Since it was a cool day out, I just put the socks on over them. Suzy thought I needed to take a picture of this creative, trend setting genius Idea of mine. 

Here's this weird statue outside of the movie theater. All the kids wanted pictures with him (Faith had her one on one with Suzy that day as well and got Face Painted (on purpose) at the watershed (where they teach about water)).  We went to the movie with Uncle Marshall who is soon moving to Az. I got to see at least 1/3rd of the newest Muppet movie. The other 2/3rds I spent with Brighton. Outside the theater. Her quietness skills have yet to kick in. 

I think Jace has the right idea.

1 comment:

Mrs. Fran said...

How about a pic of the part where the kids are flying off the trampoline?

I loved all your pics, Mike.