Monday, April 28, 2014


This weekend was the "Jurassic Quest" Exhibit at the Expo-Idaho center.  I took Jace here for a our one-on-one, and it was a rocking good time.  Below are some pictures. 

They had a bunch of these cool robot dinosaurs that moved, and scarred poor Jace half to death upon our arrival.  He would not leave my side for this whole section (The first time through). On the way out, after having ridden a dinosaur, he was much more fascinated. especially by the dinosaur that had been attacked and was bleeding (no pictures since I need to keep this blog mostly G-rated). 

 Pic one of Jace's Wild Dinosaur Ride!

This was another robotic Dino

If you look closely, you can see Jace's little head sticking up inside the mouth.
They had this whole bouncy house dino thing going on, Jace spent most of the time in this whole section (they had probably 15 different Bouncy Houses, all dino themed). 

1 comment:

Mrs. Fran said...

Wow! What a fun place!!!