Friday, September 27, 2013

Rhymes with Guts

Suzy was asking Kate about her day at school.  She started giggling and told Suzy how they were reading the BFG (Big Friendly Giant) by Roald Dhal. She really started laughing when she told Suzy about the part where the one Giant hit the other Giant in the Guts with a stick.  Like really laughing, like out of proportion with how funny it should have been.

At this point, Suzy with a slightly knowing/suspicious look in her eyes, asked Kate what she thought Guts were.  Kate told her in a furtive voice, "They're your private parts Mom!"

Suzy couldn't help but laugh at that part, as she explained that Guts refers to your stomach area.  Kate was a bit confused, since by the way the whole class was laughing at that part, she figured it had to be private parts in order to be so funny.

1 comment:

middledavis said...

Ahhh, kids provide us with such an education, don't they? I loved this story. I'm going to tell it to Aunt Jan.