Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dune (and I'm not talking about melange)

We recently had a fathers and sons camp out that Jace and I actually attended (yes, I broke down and went camping).  It was at the Bruneau Sand Dunes, and we had a grand old time.  

What's more fun than rolling down a hill? 

 One of Jace's favorite things, playing in the sand.

So, apparently you're supposed to remove your shoes and go up bare foot.  I didn't know this, and had probably a cup of sand in each shoe. I was still finding sand a few days after returning home. 

View of the camp site at night. 

1 comment:

middledavis said...

I remember when we went to some sand dunes in Canada one time when we were on vacation. Rolling down the dunes was a fun activity for you kids. Emily and Aaron were about 3 at the time. Aaron used to stick out his tongue when he would concentrate on anything, and I can tell you it doesn't work well when you're concentrating about rolling down a sand dune.