Friday, September 27, 2013

It has a Cow, and flowers and a shark

Jace was pretty excitedly telling me about the birthday card "Aunt Shell" (Michelle) sent him, so I decided to get it on Video. This lead to me asking him about the picture that hangs in his room. 

This is a pretty bad picture of a good picture. It originally hung in the room Kate had, but now has transferred to Jace. It's a stream, with a fish in it and a deer drinking from the stream with a bird over head. Jace has some interesting descriptions for the animals. Deer = Cow, then Camel. Sometimes it's a dog. The fish = a Shark. The Bird is sometimes a bird, sometimes a plane. 

Rhymes with Guts

Suzy was asking Kate about her day at school.  She started giggling and told Suzy how they were reading the BFG (Big Friendly Giant) by Roald Dhal. She really started laughing when she told Suzy about the part where the one Giant hit the other Giant in the Guts with a stick.  Like really laughing, like out of proportion with how funny it should have been.

At this point, Suzy with a slightly knowing/suspicious look in her eyes, asked Kate what she thought Guts were.  Kate told her in a furtive voice, "They're your private parts Mom!"

Suzy couldn't help but laugh at that part, as she explained that Guts refers to your stomach area.  Kate was a bit confused, since by the way the whole class was laughing at that part, she figured it had to be private parts in order to be so funny.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dune (and I'm not talking about melange)

We recently had a fathers and sons camp out that Jace and I actually attended (yes, I broke down and went camping).  It was at the Bruneau Sand Dunes, and we had a grand old time.  

What's more fun than rolling down a hill? 

 One of Jace's favorite things, playing in the sand.

So, apparently you're supposed to remove your shoes and go up bare foot.  I didn't know this, and had probably a cup of sand in each shoe. I was still finding sand a few days after returning home. 

View of the camp site at night. 

It'll Rot your Brain

So, we have a tradition of certain things only being for "daddy". For example, there's "daddy cereal" (which is cereal, that according to Suzy, has absolutely no nutritional value, despite the fact that I can read on the side of the box that Frosted Flakes has 25% per serving of practically everything you need to sustain life).  The kids are only allowed to have daddy cereal on Sunday mornings. Or their birthday.  There's "daddy juice", which is Diet Coke. The kids have been told numerous times that daddy juice is bad for growing brains, so they can't have any (artificial sweetener).

Kate and Faith went to a Birthday party at Pojos, a local arcade.  Kate had rootbeer, which she loves.  Apparently, for the last glass, it came back all funny tasting. Kate, taking after her momma and not wanting to waste food, decided to drink it anyway.  We were picking the kids up, and Suzy had a sip of Kate's "root beer", which she promptly informed her was Coke.  Kate, aghast at the idea that she had just unknowingly partaken of "daddy juice", bemoaned "I hope I'm still good at math!".

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I love the rolling hills

So, we took a trip up to Donnelly, ID to the Tingey's cabin over labor day. Jace is starting to talk up a storm, and he's still learning all the proper names for things.  For example, we were headed into the mountains, and Jace kept saying something that I couldn't figure out (he still has a "cute" way of talking).  it was something about steps, so I asked,
"You mean those mountains look like Steps?"
He kept adamantly correcting me, "No! Step mouandaosiufansdfoindfasd (at least, that's what the second word sounded like to me first few times, I may be exaggerating slightly)"
Finally one of the girls said "I think he means foothills"
That's when it struck me, "Step Mountains!" He's starting to put 2 and 2 together (even if it equals 3 right now, as everything does for him since that's his favorite number...see Suzy's latest post).

Also, he loves Cows. It was cute how excited he got every time we saw a cow (which was quite often).