Monday, June 15, 2015

Krabi Town part 2 (Elephants)

Here's a cool (and by cool, I mean not warm) freshwater swimmin' hole that we went to.  Kate had a blast swinging from the rope swing, the rest found it a bit too chilly for actual swimming.

Hark, but what do my eyes behold approaching yonder? But it is an Elephant.  

I think we can safely say, that when I take selfies from an Elephants back, they are not angry selfies.  

Kate quickly picked up on how to drive an elephant. Apparently you only need to be 7 to get your Elephant's license.

Personally, I think this was our elephant's best side.  Do Female elephants have Tusks? We never firmly established if ours was male or female.

Since 7 was the age limit for drivers, Faith got a chance to learn as well. She was great at driving, in fact, she brought us through the river later on.

Cute kids.

Suzy was having a blast with her Elephant and driver.

Definitely not our Elephant's best side.

Fun stuff.

We were losing the race at this point.

Jace got to try driving with assistance from Suzy.

1 comment:

middledavis said...

You make riding an elephant look like fun! For me... it would be way too high.