Thursday, April 21, 2011


You know those parents that are totally against their kids believing in Santa, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny? We're not those parents. Nothing wrong with that mind you, and Suzy and I probably maintain the illusions for different reasons (I'm assuming we do at least, I think its pretty funny and cute, Suzy probably has a reason that doesn't involve laughing at our kids).

Anyway, Kate and Faith think that their Uncle Kevin is the Easter bunny. Why you may ask? Because he is! At least at the Easter party we usually go to on the Saturday morning before Easter. It's over close to the Tingey's house, and the first year we went Kevin was volunteered to dress up in the Easter bunny costume. He's about 6'4, so he makes a VERY tall Easter bunny. At first Kate (who was 2 and a half at the time I believe) was scared spitless. Then Kevin took off the mask and showed her who he was (She calmed down and liked the Easter bunny from then on). Ever since then Kate has thought that the Easter bunny is Kevin.

Today, Suzy was driving home from Costco with the Kids and an advertisement for Fred Meyer (I store similar to Wal-Mart) came on the radio. It was advertising "All the Easter candy you'll need to fill up those Easter baskets." Kate, that sharp little girl she is, immediately asked Suzy, "But why do they need candy for the Easter baskets, Uncle Kevin is the Easter bunny and he fills the baskets?" (The girls get an Easter basket Easter morning from the "Easter bunny") Suzy, also very sharp (we know where Kate gets it from) calmly replied, "they must be talking about the Easter baskets for the Easter egg hunts, because as you know, we have to bring our own candy filled eggs for those."

As a side note, the Kids do know the real meaning of both Easter and Christmas. Suzy's been doing a "last week" of Jesus's life in the evenings (taking the kids through the triumphal entry, to the Last supper through to the resurrection).

1 comment:

middledavis said...

Jen and Suzy are on the same wave length...Jen's been doing the same type of activities for Maddie and Tara and has made a nice book of "the real meaning of Easter" traditions. It's fun to watch her do the lessons and activities with the girls.