Sunday, April 17, 2011

Evil meanness

I don't know if you recall the whole bad is good phenomenon that took place in the 80s (as far as I can recall). Not bad things that people are calling good, but good things that people are calling good by calling them bad.  Such, that sweet dance move was so wicked sick bad (aka, mindblowingly good). 

Anyway, on occasion in our household such vernacular surfaces as both Suzy and I grew up in the 80s (okay, so myself a little more than her).

I came home from Blimpies having purchased some sandwiches for the family (Suzy had some young women's thing going on and thus had not the time to make dinner as she usually does).  I grabbed a few of their cookies. Upon seeing such, Suzy said "Oh, you're evil!" Earlier she had mentioned that they make a "mean" sub sandwich.  Our poor confused daughter Kate piped up at this point, "DAD'S NOT EVIL"! and "Why did you call the sandwich mean?"

Needless to say, we attempted to 80-ize our child's understanding.

1 comment:

middledavis said...

I would have LOVED to be in on the explanatory conversation...

Nice to have Katers in your corner, eh, Mike?