Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hay, Hey, Hay

Suzy recently bought some Gnocchi (a type of pasta, see picture). They can be made from potatoes, flour etc. Usually we get the potato or white flour based kind. This time, Suzy got whole wheat. She overheard Kate telling Faith that those were the "Hay Kind".

Suzy didn't understand, and asked, "What?"
Kate, "You know, Hay Gnocchis."
Suzy, "you mean, Hey Gnocchis, how's it going? Like when I say Hey Kate, how are you?"
Kate, "Noooo, like Hay, that stuff animals eat."
Suzy, "OHHHH! You mean Wheat!"

I just thought it was funny that she could tell that those Gnocchis were different. But Hay, who doesn't like whole wheat, right?


middledavis said...

You're such a hoot, Mike. I love this post.

Anonymous said...

Funny posts - I was just catching up on your blog - the leprechaun trap is so funny & I love hearing about the things the kids say.

Clandestine Road said...

This is awesome.