Friday, November 12, 2010


We went to a flag retirement ceremony with the kids on Thursday night. It was a really cool experience. As part of it, they had a slide show of pictures from military veterans and current military members. Kate had a litany of questions (they showed things such as jet planes, aircraft carriers, families communicating by webcam and lots of cemeteries). Kate asked a question that really made me think.
"Dad, do people always get buried with their clothes on?"
"Well Kate, I think they usually do, why do you ask?"
"Itsa cause I don't want to be resurrected naked. That would be embarrassing."

I'm pretty sure we can somehow take care of that as needed despite our cloths having dissolved, since large portions of our bodies have also dissolved. I didn't go any further into it than that.


Kevin and Laurie said...

Mike, I always laugh at the things your girls say but this one is hilarious!! Especially how you wrote it, "Itsa cuz" haha so funny!

middledavis said...

Well, gee, I agree with Kate on this one. It did make me laugh out loud, though, so I'm glad she wasn't within hearing distance. (I'm sure she meant the question in all seriousness and I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings.) I sure love that girl. She's a deep thinker, isn't she?