Saturday, November 13, 2010

I hurt my side

Common occurrence:
We hear Faith crying upstairs. I go get her from the stairs (she had started to come down).
"Faith, what happened, are you okay"
Faith still crying, "I hurt my side."
"How did you hurt your side?"
"I go into a baffroom"
"How did you hurt it in the bathroom?"
"I run into a wall."

I think we'll look back on these experiences and laugh, she definitely seems like the one of the two girls who will be more interested (and probably better) at sports. She's more aggressive, which usually translates well on the "court".

1 comment:

middledavis said...

I remember when she was such a little tiny thing and could catch a ball when I threw it to her. I had forgotten about that until you mentioned the sports. We'll have to start teaching her how to handle a basketball, Mike.