Sunday, June 25, 2017

Memories from Akashi/Shioya

Here we are at Stake Conference. We're watching from one of the overflow rooms. With the toys. This was the one where Elder Oaks came and the kids got to shake his hand afterward. They didn't have translation in the overflow room, so there were a couple of talks in English (Elder Oaks and Sister Oaks).

Eating at the Club. These hotdogs were Hot! As Brighton's face will attest.

This was the pool opening party. They had Hula dancers! It was funny, because there are a small group of boys (maybe 4-5) who are in the 12-15 range.  They never pay attention to any of these performances. But if you notice, there are some younger girls dancing as well, probably also 12-15. They sat entranced the whole time. 

Hiroki Kojima! One of the kids favorite people in the ward. He was always awesome. 

Rino and Yugu, Jace's classmates (They're brother and sister - the Yoshida family)

Even though they don't speak English, Jace really liked playing with Rino-chyen (Chyen is like -san which you put at the end of the adults names as an honorific, but for girls. Kun is for boys). 

Bike riding in front of the house in the cul-de-sac.

Suzy eating weird food with friends. Those are tentacles. 

1 comment:

Gatewaymontessori226 said...

I love all your pictures and comments, Mike. Thanks for keeping up with your blog. (Ok. But, the tentacles in Suzy's mouth were a little creepy. Just sayin')
I love seeing how the children have grown. It's hard to believe I'll finally be seeing you all in a few days.