Sunday, September 13, 2015

New Zealand Some more, part deux

Imagine Dragons, Auckland 2015. I realized a few things. I've only ever heard recordings of concerts and always been unimpressed.  Now I know why people attend, the sound is incredible, and the atmosphere quite powerful.  The visual effects were pretty cool as well.  It was quite fun, much more so than I expected.  

Here's an example of a recording that doesn't do justice to the actuality of being there, but is still somewhat cool. 

1 Video of the Maori Dances -

Here is one of the warrior dances

Here they are coming in on their war canoe

Here's Suzy about to fall backwards off a plank into 45+ feet of oblivion

Here is Suzy going for a 15 Meter drop, falling backwards after Zip lining to this platform. Yes, she's pretty much a ninja.

Here's a view of the top of the zipline, as it disappears off into the mist.  

Here's us getting ready to ride the Zip line. It was AWESOME.  I had to close my eyes as it was raining and after building up speed they were about to be cut to ribbons. 

Here was the start of the Luge.  It was also AWESOME! and long and you got to go pretty darn fast

Here's me going down the luge. Suzy was nice enough to stop and record.

 Gotta lean into those turns

Here was a view from the top of the Luge area

We are super extreme 


This was made from Jellie Bellies

We took a walk through the redwood "grove" (it's only 100 years old or so, they don't term it a forest)

Even through they were only 100 years old, it was still amazing

We went a degustation experience.  It was quite fun, my food choices were good. 

Degustation is a culinary term meaning a careful, appreciative tasting of various foods and focusing on the gustatory system, the senses, high culinary art and good company. Dégustation is more likely to involve sampling small portions of all of a chef's signature dishes in one sitting.

This was venison in curry sauce. 

I can't remember what Suzy ordered. This probably had mushrooms in it. 

So, Suzy finally tried Abalone (a type of Mollusk). It's super expensive. It also wasn't that great. It was okay once it was ground up with some kind of sauce and put on a yummy toast.  The straight up Abalone was rubbery and not that tasty. Especially not for $90 for a 3oz can.

This was super tasty in Bangkok - a Coconut milk shake in a Coconut. 

1 comment:

middledavis said...

I enjoyed every single picture and all the comments. Some of my favorites: Maori dancers, warrior dancers, zip line pics, luge pics and video, and the one where Suzy dropped backward off a platform (I was super impressed that she didn't scream like a girl :). The scenery was so beautiful. The redwood grove was amazing looking.