Sunday, May 31, 2015

Ergo, gnomics

The average US Male's (20+) height is 176.1 cm. (at least according to that trusted source, wikipedia).  That's 5 feet 9.5 inches.  In Sweden, the average height is 5 ft 11 in.  In Singapore, it's 5 ft 7.5 in.

Does that excuse the useless design of the urinal dividers here? NO! (as you can see, I've emphasized that no by capitalizing and putting an exclamation point.  That means, really, NO).  Hello, if you're going to go to the expense of installing dividers to provide privacy, shouldn't they function as intended?  I've posted the view from about my shoulder as well as the view of the whole row.  Now, if you follow convention and only occupy every other stall, maybe it works out.  I must also say, I don't think this design error is limited only to Singapore. I've seen such rigmarole in the US and other various and sundry locales as well.  

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