Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Glad Game

Suzy has been helping the girls be more positive by teaching them about the glad game. It comes from a movie called Pollyanna. She's some kind of super positive girl who changes lives and stuff.  It involves always looking for the positive even in bad situations.

Anyway, on the way to school this morning Suzy was listening to the radio and on the news was a story about a lady who was pregnant whose husband had a heart attack. He was taken to the hospital, had a couple of stints put in his heart. After a few days he was starting to stabilize so his wife came home. Where her water promptly broke. She went back to the hospital, had a baby and the next day brought the baby up to see her Dad who was doing much better.

A few minutes after this story, Kate pops out with:
"You know what, I think there's one good thing if that happened to Daddy."
Suzy (it had been about 10 minutes apparently since the story had played on the radio), "er...if what happened to your dad?"
Kate, "You know, if he had a heart attack."
Suzy, "Oh, okay, what would be the good thing?"
Kate, "You could name the baby whatever you wanted to!"

I'm glad to know Kate is always looking on the bright side of things.

1 comment:

middledavis said...

WHAT a HOOT!! Bill and I both laughed so hard over Kate's comment! But we are SO glad that you and Suzy still get to have heated discussions about what to name our new granddaughter.