Sunday, August 5, 2012


In the car ride home from Church today, Kate informed us that she can't wait to be baptized. She even has  a plan. When she's baptized she wants Mom to tell her every time before she starts to do something wrong so that way she'll have a whole day where she's "pure" (her words).

Suzy asked if she learned about baptism or something in Class, but apparently she decided this when a newly baptized 8 yr old was being sung to in Primary.

She also bore her testimony the other week about prayer and the bullfrog (the bullfrog got out of the bucket in the back of the Pilot and Suzy and them thought it was a gonner, but later found it after saying a prayer).  She's a special little girl.

1 comment:

middledavis said...

She is indeed a special girl. I love her sweetness and her inclination toward things spiritual.