Friday, June 29, 2012

Pinewood Derby

So, tomorrow is the Tingey Family reunion first annual pinewood derby.  Suzy won it at a local church auction.  It was actually a potato derby, where we'll make pinewood derby cars out of potatoes and place them on a car base to race.  However, since the Tingeys (and now the Garretts) are really into pinewood derby cars, and the offical track will already be there and set up, why not race? I think we'll have at least 4 new cars racing, plus some of our old standbys.  

My newest creation....The Widowmaker...Da Da Dannnnn (those last three onomatopoeias are to be read with ominous music in the background, our your head, or whatever).

I think the widowmaker will only be the second or even third fastest car (yes, the pink lady is pretty fast).  We will see! This is why you race them, right?  The bottom picture is my last car, Suzy's car and my latest creation.   

1 comment:

middledavis said...

Those cars are pretty amazing.