Friday, June 29, 2012


Jace is quite the little handful right now. When he's happy he's the cutest darn boy in the world. When he's not happy he is at the extreme opposite of the spectrum.  What makes him happy?

1) Balls of any sort (even Pink ones)
2) Frisbee's
3) Ow-side (outside)
4) Ice Cream
5) Swings
6) His Binkie (Nani)
7) Suzy's Ipad
8) Brushing teeth
9) The trampoline

It used to be that when we didn't hear or see Jace, he was usually in a bathroom somewhere clogging up a toilet with toilet paper, squirting lotion or toothpaste all over (often all over himself) or especially writing on things that shouldn't be written on.
Now, however, when we can't find Jace it's usually because he's found Suzy's iPad and is playing on it. He knows how to turn it on and go to his favorite Apps! Ah, kids and technology these days.

#4 on the above list.

#9 + Domination!

He doesn't quite know what to think of swimming yet, but at least he has 2 of #1 above.


1 comment:

middledavis said...

Let's hope his escapades will remain fairly harmless. He so cute he can get away with just about anything, right?