Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Exotic Locations

We recently took a fun family trip. To Idaho Falls! In February! Yeah! Actually, it wasn't half bad. Or even 3/4ths bad. We left about 8:30 on a Thursday night so that the kids would sleep most of the way, and they did. Oddly enough, about 45 minutes before we arrived (we pulled into the hotel about 12:30am) the kids all woke up. They just sat there in a stupor though. We also listened to Tennis shoes Among the Nephites (a Book on CD). Kate really liked it, Faith wanted Suzy to keep reading "Sideways Stories from Wayside School" (which she'd been periodically reading to them over the past week or so).

Anyway, at some point in the trip the girls (who for some reason eschew coats far too often) were getting into the car.
Faith (who's teeth were chattering) "I'm Jiggling Lots"
Kate, "Yeah, I'm shivering non-stoppable".

We were there for Suzy's cousin's wedding. It was very nice and all that (I stayed with the kids, so I guess I hear it was nice). It was also actually pretty warm.
This was basically the view from the Red Lion Inn we stayed at, except that there wasn't much greenery since it was winter. I'll upload some actual pictures when we get them off the camera at some point.

Kate was absolutely amazed that there were water falls. She kept asking why they were called Idaho Falls. And also saying, "I can't believe Idaho has Falls!". There was this cool bass reverberation going on at the viewing point.

Jace (and everyone else) did very well on the way back as well.

Here's an actual picture:

1 comment:

Christopher said...

jiggling and shivering non stoppable is a hilarity